Who does not want to be a successful person? Who does not want fame? I am sure you all want to get success in your life. But, what do you think, you can buy success from market, or people will serve you on plates? No, not at all, you cannot get any success like this, either you have to earn success or steal it from people. Don't trust me? Ask any successful people about their journey, or you can even read history books. Every great king fought to get success.
But, first, you should prepare yourself to be successful!
What are keys of success?
Well, the key of success is within you, it is inside in your mind, it is being hidden somewhere in your unconscious mind. To get success in your life, you need to dream first, and make your dream come true!
And for making your dream come true, you need to work hard and devote yourself for your dreams. Success loves preparation. If the perfect opportunity presented itself today, would you be ready? It’s better to be ready and not have an opportunity, then to have an opportunity and not be ready.
So, write down your goal first- The first thing you do in the morning
will determine what your day is going to be like. Program your mind to be in a
powerful state from the moment upon waking, and you are guaranteed to have a
productive and great day. How you can do this is by writing your goals down,
every morning. Then, once you’ve done that, circle the most important goal, the
goal that in the long-term will have the most impact on your life. Now ask
yourself this question: “What actions can I make today that will change
everything and take me closer to this goal?” Write down all the actions you
can think of, circle the two most important ones and start doing them. Don’t
stop until it’s done.
Start reading books, people buy books but don't read it. Just read, read and read. Buy books written on successful people, and read them. If you read many books, you will see that those successful had same problems as you have now, or may be more. You will soon understand that you are like them, and if you are like them, you can, too, be successful like them!
If you want to be successful, you need to be a leader first, think like a leader, behave like a leader. If you see yourself as a weak person, don't expect others to see you like a great or strong guy. First, you need to teach your inner soul and unconscious mind, you are great, you have all the abilities to become a great leader. And you can lead people, and make them follow you. But why people would follow you? You need to learn the art of impressing people. One simple funda, sell things which people really need to buy, or they have to buy.
This is an extremely powerful method of getting in the right
state first thing in the morning. Instead of wandering around half-dead and
spending 30 minutes to wake up you are hacking your mind to be productive.
Another powerful reason for writing down your goals is that
by reading them it makes us feel good, write them as if they’re already
accomplished. You’re already there. Re-reading and re-writing them every
morning will ensure you to be in a resourceful state where you act based on
your goals. You will make conscious decisions throughout the day that will
support your goals and take you closer to them.
You must show your confidence. If you don’t believe in your abilities, don’t be surprised
if no one else does either. Your negative thoughts about yourself send a
signal throughout the world that others pick up on and respond accordingly.
If you’re broadcasting the station “Depression 108.7” then others will treat
you like you’re depressed.
But, when you believe in yourself and your potential, people
pick up that signal, and they will treat you according to how they believe, you
believe, you should be treated. Did you get that?
Start reading books, people buy books but don't read it. Just read, read and read. Buy books written on successful people, and read them. If you read many books, you will see that those successful had same problems as you have now, or may be more. You will soon understand that you are like them, and if you are like them, you can, too, be successful like them!
If you want to be successful, you need to be a leader first, think like a leader, behave like a leader. If you see yourself as a weak person, don't expect others to see you like a great or strong guy. First, you need to teach your inner soul and unconscious mind, you are great, you have all the abilities to become a great leader. And you can lead people, and make them follow you. But why people would follow you? You need to learn the art of impressing people. One simple funda, sell things which people really need to buy, or they have to buy.
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