"Holding the hand of your woman or man, why not sit
silently? Why not shut your eyes and feel? Feel the presence of the other,
enter into the presence of the other, let the other's presence enter into you;
vibrate together, sway together; if suddenly a great energy possesses you,
dance together – and you will reach to such orgasmic peaks of joy as you have
never known before. Those orgasmic peaks have nothing to do with sex; in fact
they have much to do with silence.
"And if you can also manage to become meditative in
your sex life, if you can be silent while making love, in a kind of dance, you
will be surprised. You have a built-in process to take you to the farthest
Sex Is
"When love expresses through you it first expresses
because the body. It becomes sex. If it expresses through the mind, that is
higher, deeper, subtler, then it's referred to as love. If it expresses through
the spirit, it becomes prayer....
"If everything goes well and sex is natural and flowing
it's an exquisite expertise as a result of you'll be able to have a glimpse of
the second through it. If sex goes extremely terribly deep, so you forget
yourself utterly in it, you'll be able to even have a glimpse of the third
through it. And if sex becomes a complete orgasmic experience, there are rare
moments once you will even have a glimpse of the fourth, the turiya, and the
beyond, through it.
"But if sex fails, then several perversions happen to
the mind. These perversions are expressed in hatred. Hatred may be a failure of
sex, a failure of affection energy. Violence, lust for cash, the continual
conflicting attitudes of egos: war, politics – these are all sex perversions.
"A man whose sex isn't perverted cannot become an
officer. It’s not possible. All politicians intrinsically want deep sexual
therapy, otherwise their whole energy are going to be. Moving to achieve a lot
of, and a lot of power. Once sex is natural, you are feeling power, you're not
seeking it. Sex is potentiality, power. You are feeling it showering on you,
you do not request and hunt for it. However after you miss it there, and then a
good urge arises to seek power: politics is born. Then wars, continuous
violence, are born; hatred, anger, and thousand and one sorts of
Love Can Give a New Soul to Sex
"Love can give a new soul to sex. Then the sex is
transfigured, it becomes beautiful; it is no longer sex, it has something of
the beyond in it. It has become a bridge.
"You can love a person because the person satisfies
your sex. This is not love, just a bargain. You can make sex with a person
because you love; then sex follows just like a shadow, part of love. Then it is
beautiful; then it is no longer of the animal world. Then something of the
beyond has already entered, and if you go on loving a person deeply, by and by
sex disappears. Intimacy becomes so fulfilling, then there is no need for sex;
love is enough unto itself. When that moment comes then there is the
possibility of prayerfulness dawning upon you.
"When two lovers are in such a deep love that love
suffices and sex has simply dropped – not that it has been dropped, not that it
has been suppressed, no. It has simply disappeared from your consciousness not
leaving even a scar behind; then two lovers are in such total unity… Because
sex divides; the very word sex comes from a root which means division. Love
unites, sex divides. Sex is the root cause of division.
"When you make sex to a person, woman or man, you think
it unites you. For a moment it gives you the illusion of unity and then a vast
division suddenly comes in. That's why, after every sex act, a frustration, a
depression sets in. One feels that one is so far away from the beloved. Sex
divides, and when love goes deeper and deeper and unites more and more, there
is no need for sex. Your inner energies can meet without sex, and you live in
such a unity."
Love Is Dangerous, Sex Is Not Dangerous
"People who are afraid of love are not afraid of sex.
Love is dangerous; sex is not dangerous, it can be manipulated. There are now
many manuals on how to do it. You can manipulate it – sex can become a
technique. Love can never become a technique. If in sex you try to remain in
control, then even sex will not help to reach the ultimate. It will go to a
certain point and you will drop back, because somewhere it also needs a let-go.
"That's why orgasm is becoming more and more difficult.
Ejaculation is not orgasm, to give birth to children is not orgasmic. Orgasm is
the involvement of the total body: mind, body, soul, all together. You vibrate,
your whole being vibrates, from the toes to the head. You are no longer in
control; existence has taken possession of you and you don't know who you are. It
is like a madness, it is like a sleep, it is like meditation, it is like
False Phenomena Around Death And Sex
"I have said that man is afraid of both sex and death.
That's why they are taboos. No one talks about sex and no one talks about death.
We remain silent about those two things. We have remained silent for centuries
and centuries. They are taboo subjects, they should not even be mentioned. The
moment they are mentioned, something starts trembling within us.
"It seems that there is a deep repression. That's why
we have created substitute words. In the western world they do not say 'We are
having sex.' They say 'We are making love.' It's a substitute word – and false,
because love is a totally different dimension. Having sex is having sex, it is
not making love. Love may include sex, but love has an altogether different
"We never talk directly about death. If someone dies,
we use substitute words. We say he has gone to the Father, or he has gone to
heaven. Death is never faced directly.
"We have created many false phenomena around death and
sex. If two people are going to be married, sex is not even mentioned – and
they are going to be married for sex! We have created a great illusion around
marriage, but the bare, naked fact is sex. We have created a ritual, a great
ritual of marriage, just to hide the fact. Why?
"Why is there a taboo about only these two things? They
are deeply related. The reason for their relationship is this: first, you are
born out of sex, birth is sex. And birth and death are two poles of one thing.
In birth, death is hidden. That's why man became aware of the deep relationship
between sex and death. Death cannot happen without sex, just as birth cannot
happen without sex."
We Are Afraid of Sex
"Unless humanity becomes non-suppressive toward sex,
man cannot breathe really. If the breath goes deep down to the abdomen, it
gives energy to the sex center. It touches the sex center; it massages the sex
center from within. The sex center becomes more active, more alive.
Civilization is afraid of sex. We do not allow our children to touch their sex
centers, their sex organs. We say, "Stop! Don't touch!"
"Look at a child when he first touches his sex center,
and then say "Stop!" and then observe his breathing. When you say
"Stop! Don't touch your sex center!" the breath will become shallow
immediately – because it is not only his hand which is touching the sex center,
deep down the breath is touching it. And if the breath goes on touching it, it
is difficult to stop the hand. If the hand stops, then basically it is
necessary, required, that the breath should not touch, should not go deep. It
must remain shallow.
"We are afraid of sex. The lower part of the body is
not only lower physically, it has become lower as a value. It is condemned as
"lower." So do not go deep, just remain shallow. It is unfortunate
that we can only breathe downwards. If some preachers were allowed, they would
change the whole mechanism. They would only allow you to breathe upward into
the head. Then you would absolutely not feel sex.
"If we are to create a sexless humanity, then we will
have to change the breathing system. The breath must go into the head, to the
sahasrar – the seventh center in the head – then come back to the mouth. This
should be the passage: from the mouth to the sahasrar. It must not go deep down
because down is dangerous. The deeper you go, the nearer you reach to the
deeper layers of biology. You reach to the center, and that center is just near
the sex center – just near. It has to be, because sex is life."
Steps to the Divine
Please describe to us the spiritual significance of sex
energy. How can we sublimate and spiritualize sex? Is it possible to have sex,
to make love, as a meditation, as a jumping board towards higher levels of
"...You have used the words `sex' and `love'.
Ordinarily we use both words as if they have an inner association. They have
not. Love comes only when sex has gone. Before that, love is just a lure, foreplay,
and nothing else. It is just preparing the ground for the sex act. It is
nothing but an introduction to sex, a preface. So the more sex there is between
two persons, the less love there will be because then the preface is not needed.
When sex becomes a meditation it flowers into love and this flowering is a
movement towards the divine.
"I am not against sex and I am not for love. You still
have to transcend it. Meditate on it; transcend it. By meditation I mean you
have to pass through it fully alert, aware. You must not pass through it
blindly, unconsciously. Great bliss is there, but you can pass by blindly and
miss it. This blindness has to be transformed; you must become open-eyed. With
open eyes, sex can take you on the path of oneness."
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