of Social Psychology
At first I would like to ask people, “What is the historical
background of Social Psychology?”
We all know that man is a social animal. He is born in a
society and has to live in it throughout his life. A person life revolves around his family,
friends, social culture, and religious beliefs and of course money as well. It
is on account of the social factors or the society that it has been possible
for him to make the progress and development. Since the pre-historic age up to
the present era, man has been living in one form of the social organization or
the other. He has been coming in contact with other individuals’ human beings
and trying to influence their personality and ideas and other activities. The
social nature of man is the corner-stone of the Social Psychology. This branch of knowledge studies the social
interaction of the individuals. This is what has been said in the following
“We may, therefore, define Social Psychology as the branch of knowledge
which studies the relationship arising out of the interactions of the
individuals with each other in social situations. In brief, it deals with
thinking, feeling and acting of the individuals in society.”
Now I just would like to give examples of various
philosophical trends in the development of Social Psychology:
Various philosophical trends have contributed a lot of the
development of the Social sciences. This is true of the social Psychology as
well. Seeds of social Psychology are present in the philosophy of various
thinkers of the pre-scientific era. This can be easily judged by casting a
glance at the philosophy of various thinkers.
I’m sure after reading this article about human Psychology;
you might like to read about the various thinkers of Psychology. I don’t want you to get bored, I want you to
enjoy reading and learn some facts about human Psychology so I am writing only
short details. I hope you don’t mind it!
So here is the list of some famous thinkers of Psychology.
After reading these articles please don’t forget to post your comments and also
tell me, ‘who is your favorite thinker.”
1. Plato and Social
Psychology (427-347 B.C.)- Who doesn’t know about Plato, Plato is famous
for his work on “Republic.” Plato, in
his work “Republic”, has tried to study the human behavior in various aspects.
This study is in certain respects is very much near to the modern Psychology.
Plato has expressed the view that the trade of learning that is found in the
individuals or men is, in fact, a gift of the society in which he lives.
Through education that he acquires as a result of the efforts of the society,
he is also to change his behavior and his future also brightens up. Through
education, the person is built up. That’s why Plato was of the view that or an
ideal state; education should be properly looked after. He is also expressed
the view that through education it is possible to bring about the change in the
human behavior. He has also said that man changes according to society. From
this, we can safely say that the thinking of Plato has contributed a lot to the
development of the Social Psychology.
Now see what Aristotle said on Social Psychology (384-322
2- Aristotle and
Social Psychology- Aristotle was a disciple of Plato. He has also analyzed
human behavior. He has said that education occupies an important place in the
development of the human behavior, which is very much guided and inspired by
natural instincts and tendencies. He didn’t think that it was possible to
change the human behavior to a very great extent; but now thinkers hold
altogether a different view. They believe that human behavior can be changed
easily and effectively. In my opinion,
yes we can change the human behavior; his thoughts, religious beliefs and his
devotions. If you know how to brainwash you can change the whole mentality of
people, though it takes lots of time and it is not that easy.
3. Sophists and Social Psychology-
Sophists were the thinkers of fifth century B.C. while analyzing the human behavior;
they have stated that it is the result of social and spiritual responses and
reactions. They have further stated that education has an effect on the
socialization of the individual. In other words, they have tried to study the
human behavior in relevance to social condition.
4. Syrenaics and
Epicurreans and Social Psychology- Apart from the Sophists two other
schools of Greece, viz. Syrenaics and Epicurreans have also analyzed the human
behavior. Both were essentially optimists and believers in pleasures of life.
Syrenaics were crud optimists while Epicurreans were sublimated optimists. Both
these schools analysis that human behavior was very much influenced by the
desire of pleasure. They said that all those acts that provide pleasure must be
on and all those acts that provide pleasure must be owned and all those acts
that caused pain must be given up.
5. Contribution of
Hegel and Comte to Social Psychology- Hegel and Comte has also analyzed the
social behavior of man. Hegel was the view of that he process of thinking
brings about the changes in the world while Comte has analyzed the human
behavior with the help of different stages of the development of man.
6. Others thinkers
and their contribution to Social Psychology- Bodin, Montesque, Hobbs,
Lockes Rousseau, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim have also analyzed the human
behavior in relevance to the society in different ways. Because of the thinking
of these philosopher, human psychology did make a development.
7. Contribution of
the Anthropologists to the development of the Social Psychology- Different
anthropologists have made a valuable contribution to the development of Social
Psychology. In the eighteenth century, they presented an analysis of the Group
Mind and fold souls Wundt tries to distinguish between Group Mind and
Individual Mind with the help of laboratory method. All this ultimately led to
the development of the Social Psychology.
8. Evolutionists and
contribution to Social Psychology- Apart from Anthropologists, followers of
Darwin’s evolutionary theory also contributed to the development of the Social
Psychology. Herbert Spencer and Bageot tried to analyze the social development
after taking into account the physical environment and natural conditions. All
these things influenced the evolution of the Social Psychology.
Origin of Social Psychology
Various thinkers, philosophers and scholars have contributed
to the evolution and the development of the Social Psychology. The present from
of Social Psychology is , in fact, a contribution of E.A. Ross, Mas Dougall and
others. In order to have proper idea about the origin of Social Psychology , it
is necessary to have an insight into the thinking of these Psychologists.
1. Gabriel Trade-
Gabriel Trade, the famous jurist of France, is recognized as one of the
founders of Social Psychology. He has analyzed the influences of the human
beings. He was so advanced as to assert that human behavior is the result of
the social conditions, and imitation is inherent in man’s nature.
2. Lobo- After
trade, Lobo tried to analyze the human behavior on psychology plane in his work
entitled “The Crowd.”
3. Edward Ross-
Ross made a valuable contribution to the development of social Psychology. He
treated Social Psychology as a separate branch of knowledge and study. In this
branch of knowledge he tried to analyze the influences that govern the human
behavior. He wants the extent of saying that Social Psychology studies the
crowd mind or the social mind.
4.William and MacDougall-
William and MacDougall in his book, “Introduction to Social Psychology” tried
to analyze the human behavior on the basis of the theory of natural instincts.
He said that it is the instincts that guide, govern and influence the human
behavior. His thinking was very much criticized by Coole, John Dewey and
others. In spite of this, it has not been possible to propound and specific theory
about natural instincts.
5. Sigmund Freud-
Freud has made very valuable contribution to the field of Social Psychology. He
has tried to analyze various aspect of social life on the basis of
psychological principles. He also encouraged the Social Psychology.
Now the present form of the Social
Psychology- The present form of
Social Psychology is the result of the development that has been going on since
the time of Plato and Aristotle. The present form of the Social Psychology is
the gift of nineteenth century. Prior to that, it was treated as a part of
Sociology. By and by it assumed an independent form and in its study, various
scientific methods were employed. Lasswell Harney, Dollard, Kardininer, Fromin
and other psycho analysts have made a valuable contribution to the development of
Social Psychology.
1. The comparative
2. Experimental
3. The applied or
practical development.
In other words, it means that social Psychology is
developing through these forms, channels or branches. It will be worthwhile to
have some knowledge about these development.
Comparative development
and by Social Psychology is becoming comparative science. Now the results that
are achieved in the field of culture and society are compared with the results
found in the society and the culture of other country and culture of other country. This is in
fact, a result of the influence of Anthropology.
Experimental development
second trend of development of Social Psychology is experimental. Before
accepting any principal, attempt is made to experiment it in the actual field
of life. If the application yields the desired of the expected results, it is
taken as correct.
The applied or practical development
Along with the Social Psychology, developing in the direction of comparative
and experimental direction, it is also developing in the direction of practical
application or applied direction. In this field the principals of Social
Psychology are applied in day to day life and the result is processed and found
out. It would be wrong to think that these three branches of Social Psychology
are independent of each other. They are, in fact, complimentary to each other.
It would be worthwhile to study Social Psychology in this perspective.
form of Social Psychology
The present form of Social Psychology is more scientific than
it was in its earlier days. Its method of study is scientific, exact and
verifiable. It has certain postulates like other sciences. They are being
enumerated below.
Cause-effect relationship
The first postulate of
every Social Science is that there is some cause for every effect or action.
This is true of Social Psychology as well. It tries to find out the underlying
causes for human behavior. It also tried to study the cause of the
inter-actions and the society.
Socio-cultural environment
Psychology postulates that social behavior of every individual is based on his
socio-cultural environment and its inter-actions. This has been recognized by
almost all the social scientists. In order to have proper idea of behavior of
an individual, it is necessary to have knowledge of the socio-cultural environment
of the individual.
Existence of psychic world
behavior of individual relation to the society is influenced by two
factors-physical as well as psychological. The psychic world also influences
the social behavior of an individual. Sherif and Allport have proved this
postulate through their experiments.
Experimental Social Psychology
Social Psychology, in order to prove the authenticity of its principals
and theories, tries to study the actual social behavior. Every principal is
adopted only when it has withstood the
test of the experiment. That’s why, Social Psychology today is becoming more
and more experimental. Thus, the present form of Social Psychology, is marching
ahead towards experimentalism and scientific study.
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