As we all know that human is a social animal and he/she lives in a society. We all live in a different- different societies. Maybe, our way of living, way of thinking, beliefs might not match with each other, but still we are all human. So what is relationship? I’m sure you already know the meaning of relationship, but we have many kind of relationships in our life. Some are called Good ones, some are Bad ones, and some are called complicated. No matter what, Human Society is integrated in terms of social relationship. Society consists individuals who are always active upon their environment. But and individuals is not capable to perform all kind of activities. Consequentially, different types of relationship emerge into actual existence. In the absence of such relations, existence of human society is not possible. Therefore society is recognized to be the sum total of social relationship. The term ‘Social Relationship’ implies a reciprocal influence, a mutual connection among the elements of society.
Meaning of Social Relationship-
Well, I bet you already know the meaning of social relationship, however, I am giving an example of Weber. According to Weber, the term social relationship denotes the behavior of the plurality of actors. In its meaningful content, the behavior of each actor is oriented towards the behavior of other actors. Thus according to Weber, the social relationship consists entirely and exclusively in the existence of a probably that there will be, in some meaningful understandable sense, a course of social action.
Types of relationships-
Well, again, according to Weber, he has classified relationships on two grounds- Nature of relationship and Participation of actor in a given social relationship. It terms of nature, Weber has mentioned two types of relationship namely: (i) communal and (ii) Associative. On the other hand in terms of participation relationship is of two types namely: Open relationship and Closed Relationship.
So let’s talk about all these terms here, just briefly!
1- Communal and Associative Relationship- A social relationship will be called “Communal” if and so far as the oriented of social action-whether in the individual case or on the average, or in the pure type- is based on the objective feeling of the parties whether affectual or traditional, that they belong together, such relationships depend on affectual, emotional or traditional grounds.
2- Associative Relationship- A social relationship will be called “Associative” in and so far the orientation of social action within it rests on a rationally motivated adjustment of interests or similarly motivated agreements whether the basis of relational adjustment be absolute values or reasons of expedience.
Through relationships is divided into two categories but in general relationship is determined by associative as well as communal factors. There is no such relationship which may be purely associative or communal. Besides, the relationship which is not concerned with immediate pursuit of end is a relatively permanent relationship. Hence such relationships last in a long period.
So what are open and closed relationships?
Open relationship- I am sure you have seen bunch of peoples who have stated on facebook that they are in “Open Relationship.” So what is the open relationship? the answer is simple, “A relationship regardless of whether it is communal or associative in character, will be spoken as “Open” to outsiders. If and in so far as participated in the mutually oriented social action relevant to its subjective meaning is, according to its system of order, not denied to anyone who wishes to participate and who is actually in a position to do so. Thus is in open relationship, an outsider who is willing to participate in the relationship is not restricted. In short, you are all welcome in my house and heart!
Closed Relationship- On the other hand, in a closed relationship participation of outsiders is denied. Such type of relationship is called “Closed” against outsiders so far as, according to its subjective, meaning and binding rules of its order, participation of certain person is excluded, limited or subjective to conditions. Thus in a closed relationship certain person, are excluded from participation.
Well any relationship whether it is ‘open or closed’ depends on traditional, rational or affectual grounds. If a social relationship provides opportunity for satisfaction to participating individuals, then due to rational reasons the relationship is likely to be closed. On the other hand, if the participation of outsiders will improve their own situation, then the relationship is likely to be open.
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