Friday, August 8, 2014


     UNIT I
·        Nouns
·        Pronouns
·        Verbs
·        Adverbs
·        Adjectives
·        Prepositions
·        Conjunctions
·        Interjections

·        List of Verbs
·        Tenses
·        Present Tense
·        Past Tense
·        Future Tense
·        Present Perfect Tense
·        Past Perfect Tense
·        Can, Could
·        Has / Have / Had / Will have
·        Should / Have to / Has to /Had to
·        Used to

·        Questions
·        Question Tags
·        Articles ( A, An and The )
·        Determiners
·        Active and Passive Voice
·        Direct and Indirect Speech
·        Common Errors

·        Simple , Compound and Complex Sentences
·        The Infinitive
·        The Gerund


Kinds and functions
A    There are four kinds of nouns in English
Common nouns : dog, man, table
Proper Nouns : India, Delhi, Mr. Prithvi Raj etc etc
Abstract Nouns : Beauty, charity, courage, fear, joy
Collective Nouns : crowd, flock, group, swarm, team

B.  A noun can function as :
The subject of a verb: Prithvi  arrived
The complement of the verbs be, become, seem: Prithvi is an actor
The object of a verb : I saw Prithvi
The object of a preposition : I spoke to Prithvi
A noun can also be in the possessive case:  Prithvi’s books

·        Masculine : men, boys and male animals ( pronouns  he/they)
Feminine : women, girls and female animals ( pronouns   she/they)
Neuter : inanimate things, animals whose sex we don’t know and some times babies whose sex we don’t know ( pronouns   it/they)
Exceptions : ships and some times cars and others vehicles when regarded with affection or respect are considered feminine, countries when referred to by name are also normally considered feminine.
The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge in her side.
Scotland lost many of her bravest men in two great rebellions
·        Personal masculine / feminine nouns

1 different forms:
·        Boy, girl
Bachelor, spinster
Bridegroom, bride
Father, mother
Gentleman, lady
Husband, wife
Man, woman
Nephew, niece
Son, daughter
Uncle, aunt
Widower, widow

Main Exceptions :

B   duke, duchess
      Earl, countess
 Kind, queen
Lord, lady
Prince, princess

·        The majority of the personal nouns have the same form:
Artist       cook             driver   guide   assistant    dancer    doctor  etc

Main exceptions :

Actor , actress
Conductor , conductress
Heir, heiress
Hero, heroine
Host, hostess
Manager, manageress
Steward, stewardess
Waiter, waitress
Also salesman, saleswoman etc, but some times person is used instead of man, woman

B     Domestic animals and many of the larger wild animals have different forms
Bull, cow      duck, drake        ram, ewe             stallion, mare
Cock, hen     gander, goose       stag, doe             tiger, tigress
Other have the same form
A  The plural of a noun is usually made by adding (s) to the singular :
Day, days          dog, dogs              house, houses
(s) is pronounced / s / after a P,k or f sound, otherwise it is pronounced /z/
When s is placed after ce, ge, se or ze and extra syllable (/iz/) is added to the spoken word.
Other Plural forms
B   Nouns ending in o or ch, sh, ss or x form their plural by adding es :
Tomato, tomatoes          brush, brushes         box, boxes
Church, churches             kiss, kisses

But words of foreign origin abbreviated words ending in o add s only :
Dynamo, dynamos                kimono, kimonos           piano, pianos
Kilo, kilos                         photo, photos                   soprano, sopranos

When es is placed after ch, sh, ss or x an extra syllable (iz) is added to the spoken word.
 C    Nouns ending in y following a consonant form their plural by dropping the y and adding ies:
Baby, babies          country, countries             fly, flies               lady, ladies
 Nouns ending in y following a vowel form their plural by adding s :
Boy, boys               day, days                  donkey, donkeys            guy, guys
D    Twelve nouns ending in f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves, these nouns are calf half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf

Loaf, loaves            wife, wives                   wolf, wolves    etc
 The nouns hoof, scarf and wharf take either s or ves in the plural:
Hoofs or hooves        scarfs or scarves      wharfs or wharves
Other words ending in f or fe add s in the ordinary way:
Cliff, cliffs       handkerchief, handkerchiefs                 safe, safes

E     A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change:
Foot, feet         louse, lice         mouse, mice         woman, women
Goose, geese                man, men               tooth, teeth
The plurals of child and ox are children, oxen

F      Names of certain  creatures do not change in the plural.  
   Fish is normally unchanged. Fishes exists but uncommon.
Some types of fish do not normally change in the plural.
 Carp      pike       salmon      trout
Cod        plaice      squid        turbot
But if used in a plural sense they would take a plural verb. Others add s :
Crabs        herrings        sardines     eels            lobsters        sharks
Deer and sheep do not change : one sheep, two sheep
Sportsmen who shoot duck, partridge, pheasant etc, use the same form for singular and plural but other people normally add s for the plural
e.g : ducks, partridges, pheasants
The word game, used by sportsmen to mean an animal/animals/hunted is always in the singular, and takes a singular verb.

G     A few other words don’t change
Aircraft, craft ( boat/boats)         quid ( slang for euro 1)
Counsel ( barristers working in court )

H       collective nouns : crew, family, team etc, can take a singular or plural
Verb, singular if we consider the word to mean a single group or unit.
Our team is the best
Or plural if we take it to mean a number of individuals :
Our team are wearing their new jerseys.
When a possessive adjective is necessary, a plural verb with ‘their ‘ is more usual than a singular
Verb with ‘its’ , though sometimes both are possible:
The jury is considering its verdict
The jury are considering their verdict
 A..      certain words are always plural and take a plural verb :
Clothes          police
Garments consisting of two parts :
Breeches      pants      pyjamas      trousers       etc
And tools and instruments consisting of two parts :
Binoculars                  pliers            scissors           spectacles    glasses
Scales          shears       etc
Also certain other words including :
Arms ( weapons )             particulars                 damages ( compensation )  
Premises/quarters           earning                       riches
Goods/wares                    savings                        greens (vegetables )
Spirits (alcohol)                grounds                      stairs
Outskirts                            surroundings             pains ( trouble/effort)

J          A number of words ending in ics, acoustics, athletics, ethics, hysterics, mathematics, physics, politics, etc., which are plural in form, normally take a plural verb :
His mathematics are weak;
But names of sciences can some times be considered singular :
Mathematics is an exact science

K           words plural in form but singular in meaning include ‘news’:
The news is good
Certain diseases and certain games:
Mumps             rickets                 shingles
Billiards             darts                    draughts
Bowls              dominoes
L           some words which retain their original greek or latin forms make their plurals according to the rules of greek and latin:
 Crisis, crises                                         phenomenon, phenomena
Erratum, errata                                    radius, radii
Memorandum, memoranda              terminus, termini
Oasis, oases
But some follow the English rules :
Dogma, dogmas, gymnasium, gymnasiums
Formula, formulas
Some times there are two plural forms with different meanings :
Appendix, appendixes  or appendices  (medical terms )
Appendix, appendices ( addition /s to a book)
Index, indexes ( in books ), indices ( in mathematics )
Musicians usually prefer Italian plural forms for Italian musical terms :
Litretto, libretti, tempo, tempi
But it is also  possible : litrettos, tempos.

M        Compound nouns
Normally the last word is made plural :
Boy-friends         break - ins     travel agents
But where man and woman is prefixed both parts are made plural :
Men drivers                women drivers
The first word is made plural with compounds formed of verb+er
Nouns + adverbs :
Hangers – on                 lookers – on                   runners – up
And with compounds composed of noun + preposition + noun:
Ladies – in – waiting        sisters – in – law         wards of court
A             Initials can be made plural :
MPs (Members of parliament )
VIPs (very important person)
OAPs ( old age pensions )
UFOs ( Unidentified flying objects )

Uncountable Nouns : ( also known as non-count nouns or mass nouns )
Names of substances considered generally :
Bread           cream           gold          paper                 tea
Beet             dust               ice            sand           water
Cloth             gin                jam           soap           wine
Coffee           glass             oil             stone          wood

Abstract   nouns :

Advice        experience            horror                pity           beauty
Fear             information            relief           courage           help             
Knowledge                 suspicion            death             hope            mercy

Also considered uncountable in English:
Baggage            damage                   luggage                shopping
Camping            furniture                parking                  weather
These, with hair, information, knowledge, news, rubbish, are some times countable in other languages.
B    uncountable nouns are always singular and are not used with a / an
I don’t want ( any) advice or help. I want ( some) information
He had no experience in this sort of work.
These nouns are often preceded by some, any, no, a little etc, or by nouns such as bit, piece, slices etc
A bit of news                   a grain of sand / a pot of jam
A cake of soap                a pane of glass / a sheet of paper
A drop of oil                    a piece of advice

C   many of the nouns in the above groups can be used in a particular sense and are hence countable and can take a / an in the singular. Some examples are given below

Hair ( all the hair on one’s head ) is considered uncountable, but if we consider each hair separately we say one hair, two haris, etc
Her hair black. Whenever she finds a grey hair she pulls it out
We drink beer, coffee, gin, but we can ask for a cup of coffee, a gin, two gins etc, we drink wine out of a glasses. We can walk in the woods

Experience meaning ‘something which happened to some one ‘ is countable:
He had an exciting experience /some exciting experiences
Work meaning ‘ occupation/employment / a job/ jobs is singular
He is looking for work / for a job.
I do homework.       She does housework
But road works means ‘ repair of roads’
Works ( plural only) can mean ‘ factory ‘ or ‘ moving parts of a machine ‘
Works (usually plural ) can be used of literacy or musical compositions:
Shakespeare’s complete works.

Some abstract nouns can be used in a particular sense with a / an, but in the singular only

A help        
My children are a great help to me        A good map would be a help

A relief:
It was a relief to sit down.
A knowledge + of
He had a good knowledge of mathematics
A dislike / dread/ hatred/ horror/ love + of is also possible:
A love of music                 A hatred of violence
A mercy/pity/shame/wonder can be used with that – clauses introduced by it:
It’s a pity you weren’t here.        It’s a shame he wasn’t paid.

A fear/fears, a hope/hopes, a suspicion / suspicions
These can be used with that – clauses introduced by there:
There is a fear/ there are fears that he has been murdered
We can also have a suspicion that…….
Something can arouse a fear / fears, a hope/ hopes, a suspicion / suspicions

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