Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Is Leadership


What is leadership? Maybe you already know the meaning of this word. So you think you are a leader or possess all essential qualities to become a successful leader? If you think so, then please read this article about leadership!
Leadership- Leadership is a social Phenomenon that exist everywhere throughout the world. Not just in human but in animals also. For example, alpha males of any animal groups. It’s a universal social institution that is seen in one form or another in every form of life. Every person who leads a group of people or a society is called a Leader. There are different varieties of the leaders, according to functions. Normally speaking a person who wields some political influence is called a Leader but in the real send of the term leaders activities are not confirmed to political field alone. People who wield influence in any shape of life are called leaders.
A Leader has not only to present a model behavior but he has also to make suggestions that are acceptable to others. In fact he leads others and suggest to them the way of life. His opinions, his suggestions, his action present a model to other members of the society and they act accordingly. Because of this quality of the leader, the society is generally divided into two categories:- A- Leader, and B- The followers.
Characteristics of Leadership by Allport-     
                                         Allport has given out the following characteristic of Leadership:
1. Traits of ascendency.
2. Physical Power.
3. High mobility and erect aggressive carriage.
4. Tonus and tenacity.
5. Face to face mode of address.
6. Re-enforcement or energy.
7. Restraint and inscrutability.
8. Expensiveness in the field of action.
9. High intelligence and understanding.
10. Keen susceptibility of social simulations.
11. Tact and zeal.
12. Social participation.
13. Character and drive.

Now let’s take a look at the functions of Leadership.
A. Functions of a leader as an executive- As an executive a leader has not only to guide and direct the behavior of his followers but he has also a control their activities, so that they are able to discharge their obligations successfully.
B. As a planner- Every leader, in order to uphold the values and the objectives of the society has to draw certain plans. These plans reflect his imagination and capability. He has, therefore, to act as a planner also.
C. As a policy maker- Every society has to uphold certain objectives and values. These objectives and values can well be maintained when certain policies and have been framed for maintaining them. These policies may either grow from below, or may be imposed from above or the leader may himself impose it. Even when the leader imposes his own policies, he has to take his followers into confidence.
D- As an expert- Every leader has to act as an expert. He has to know many things and know them thoroughly. Then only he can arouse confidence and respect from his followers.
E- As external group representative- This is not true about secondary groups then the primary  social groups. In a primary social group, generally the head of the family is the leader but in secondary social groups, some person has to act as its leader and spokesman. In that capacity the leader has to play an important role.
F-As controller of inter- relationship- The leader has to control, guide and direct the internal relationship of the group. Since he is well aware of the qualities and the advocates of the group, he can direct the internal relationship in a successful manner.
G- As a symbol of the group- The leader symbolizes his group. He has, therefore, to maintain the unity within his group and also keep its various resources intact.
H- As surrogated for individual responsibilities- The leader assumed the responsibilities of the individual members of his group. Individual members of the group are, therefore, relieved of their responsibilities as member of that group.
I- As an ideologist- The leader has to lay down the ideology of the group. It’s this ideology that guides the actions of the group. This ideology may be political, social or spiritual.
J- As a father- A leader has to play the role of the father of the society as well. He has not only to protect the interest of his followers but also provide them with everything that would make their living successful. It was on account of this that great leaders, whether they be dictators or leader of the democratic society, were respected by chief followers.
K. As scapegoat- A leader has also to become a scapegoat. When the society of the group that he leads does not succeed, all the blame is put on its shoulders. Followers start hating him and he is held responsible for everything that is bad or that went bad.
I am sure after reading this short article you must have got the idea of leadership. Now let’s talk about some techniques of leadership.   And they are:
1. Techniques of repression- A leader has to repress certain feelings, desires and attitudes of his followers. This repression has to be done in such a psychological manner that the followers do not get annoyed.
A. Tensions- Sometimes the leader, in order to keep his authority has to put one group of individuals against the other. In other words he has to create tensions among the members of the group so that he can keep his authority intact. This is what the British did when they ruled India. They created differences between Hindus and Muslims and thereby carried on their times successfully.
B. Policy of making terror- Sometimes the leader, in order to maintain his authority and position has to adopt the policy of terror. He has to threaten those who oppose him. Such a policy is to be seen in India today in the complex of the rural areas, Dictators usually adopt such policies.
C. Policy of making poor- Sometimes rulers, in order to keep their authority intact, makes the masses poor. Poverty makes them weak and so they accept the authority of the government the ruler.
D. Criticism- The three categories of the techniques of repression, as given by Aristotle are not complete. They also do not represent the surest method of maintaining the authority of a leader.
E- Techniques of propaganda- A leader, in order to maintain his position or status has to resort to propaganda. Through propaganda it is possible to maintain the statues of an individual or a leader. In the modern age and particularly in the democratic set up, propaganda plays a vital role in the molding the opinions of others.  


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